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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Organisational duties

Organisational Duties: Again this all seems new and gives nearly complete power to the principal - no mention of consultation. No mention of taking into account the teaching load, just roles and responisbilities !!! Agreement needs to state the time needed to support teaching so that staff know how many hours are available for "organisational duties"

p25. "The principal, as the Employer’s representative, has responsibility for determining the organisational duties necessary for the efficient running of the school and the time release (if any) and special payment (if any) applicable for each organisational duty.
Where it is determined that an organisational duty should attract a special payment the amount of the special payment may be set at different amounts depending on the classification level and range of the teacher undertaking that duty.
Should any organisational duty remain unfilled following the process set out in sub clauses (a) to (f) the principal, as the Employer’s representative, can allocate that duty to any teacher (including a teacher who has declined an offer under sub clause (f)) provided the duty is consistent with the roles and responsibilities that can be required of that teacher.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Organisational Duties is completely new and is there at our insistence. The biggest complaint we got about the last agreement was principals tapping Expert Teachers on the shoulder and telling them they had to do a duty. This clause requires jobs and time allowances/special payments to be determined through the consultation process and then advertised through an expression of interest process and a merit selection panel. All teachers can then apply for jobs which are decided on merit rather than your classification level. It also means that people can apply for jobs they would like to do rather than the Prin telling them this is the job you will do. At the end of the process if jobs remain unfilled then the principal can appoint to the vacant jobs from people who have no job. This should reduce the need to create jobs for every Expert Teacher and allow people to apply for jobs that they would prefer to do. Also, if you are appointed to a job you don’t like you have a right of refusal. However, if the job remains unfilled you might end up having it allocated by the Principal to you. This is at the end of the process rather than the Prin unilaterally telling you what job you will do at the outset.

We expect that this clause will introduce a culture change into schools

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