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Do you support the Proposed Agreement ?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To Stay Or Not To Stay (in the AEU)?

89% voted yes! Why?
1. Many teachers believed that once our industrial campaign had been halted it would be too hard to restart the campaign again.
2. Teachers also believed that the public were convinced that we had all received a huge pay increase and would see us as greedy and unreasonable.
3. Many did not think that the AEU Leadership was capable of getting a better deal. In fact the AEU Leadership themselves, all along have been saying that they can’t get a better deal!
4. We had lost our trump card by calling off the campaign just before the NAPLAN tests.
5. Brian Henderson kept telling us that the government would now end our bargaining period and force us before the Arbitration Commission where we would get less money. He also said that the government would use Workchoices against us. All the paid AEU organizers were spreading this line as well.

Many of those who voted yes did so because they felt they had no choice. The AEU Leadership took away our choice!

Where to Next?
Stay in the union. Because most members aren’t actively involved in the AEU the current Leadership can do what it does. Leaving or becoming less active only gives them more power. Without unions we wouldn’t have any of the gains: such as maximum number of classes per week, maximum number of extras per week, LSL, even equal pay.
The opposition to this deal showed many teachers the truth about it. The opposition did this without any organization. Imagine if we planned and organized ourselves how much more effective we could be!
So get more active in the AEU. Stand for AEU Council. Being on council is not an onerous task. It means going to council meetings (held at Trenerry Crescent, Abbotsford) 8 times a year on a Friday during school hours. CRT coverage is paid to the school. It's really vital to get more independent minded teachers on Council. You have ‘what it takes’ to be on Council = the interests of the members at heart.
Join with us- Teachers Alliance- to build an alternative. We are seeking to work with others to create a network of AEU members and provide alternative views to that of the current leadership.
Attend our July 26th meeting at 2pm at Dantes Cafe(150-156 Gertrude Fitzroy) to discuss these ideas.
Organise meetings in your area. We’re happy to help and come along.
Send us your ideas.
Convince others to stay and focus on the next stage.

You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one

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